Year 10


Miss L Coates - Year Achievement Coordinator
Miss L Bailey - Deputy Year Achievement Coordinator
Mrs V Parkes - Student Support Officer  

Click on the name to email the member of staff. 

For all Year 10 students, September marks the start of their GCSE courses, a new and exciting chapter in their time at SWCHS. I have every confidence that they will build on last year’s excellent work and make brilliant progress over the next two important years. As role models for the younger students and ambassadors for SWCHS, we have the very highest expectations, both academically and on a personal level.

Organisation and establishing good homework routines is imperative as the workload will increase this year. Year 10 students should be spending approximately an hour per day on homework/independent study. The Learning Centre is open in the mornings and after school as a quiet, supportive place to complete homework. Making time for other ‘extra-curricular’ activities is equally important as we strive for a good work/life balance.

All students will continue to have daily contact with their form tutor and the support of the year office team.  There is a wealth of support available in school for any students that find themselves in need. Please do encourage students to seek help if they find themselves struggling. They can talk to their form tutor, a school counsellor, or pop by the Year Office.

Punctuality and attendance will be closely monitored. We appreciate that absence is at times unavoidable, but request that parents keep absences to an absolute minimum. Please ensure that students are in school by 8.30am, ready to start period one at 8.40am. Parents will be notified if attendance dips below 95% or if students are frequently late to lessons.

During the summer term, all Year 10 students will sit a full series of in-hall assessments under full exam conditions. These assessments have been designed to help students prepare for the final series of exams in Year 11. Further guidance will be issued on revision techniques and timetables nearer the time.

We look forward to continuing our close working relationships with both parents and students. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the Year Office, where we will do our best to answer your questions or point you in the right direction.