Sixth Form Student Life
Welcome to the SWCHS Sixth Form Student Life
Welcome to the Sixth Form Student Life area of the website. We have included information here, that we feel will help you to navigate your time in the SWCHS Sixth Form as well as taking responsibility for your own experience here.
You have access to fantastic facilities and support along with excellent opportunities to become not just academically successful, but well-rounded individuals. Seize the moment, and explore your full potential
The Sixth Form Committee 2020
On behalf of all the students, we would like to wish you a very warm welcome to the Sixth Form at Saffron Walden County High School.
In the Committee, we understand the importance of Year 11s having the most informative and inclusive transfer from life in Year 11 into the Sixth Form, as your decisions made will determine your studies for the next two years which indeed will heavily shape life beyond education. Therefore, the committee does everything it can to make sure Year 11 induction is as good as it can be so you can really get the best idea of what your subjects have to offer, in order to make the most informed decision as to what is right for you.
The alternative prospectus has been designed to give you a different take on your subjects from that in the formal prospectus, with lots more information, advice and first-hand accounts from students about their experiences of taking that subject. Each subject will have its own page, which includes a video of a current Year 12 student who took that subject answering a series of questions that give you a real insight into what to expect from topics studied and the lessons as well as how that subject may help with your future ambitions. We are really proud that these videos are all student made and therefore will give you the most realistic understanding of what it really is like to study.
We completely understand how difficult it can be to make a decision on what to take, so we hope the alternative prospectus can help you make the right choice for you. We look forward to welcoming you into the Sixth Form and wish you lots of luck with your studies.
Niamh Davies, Helena Auty and Frankie Burdge - Sixth Form Committee
Student Council
We are Hattie and Jed, heads of the Sixth Form Student Council. The Council is one of the Sixth Form’s three student bodies, and our main focus is on teaching and learning. At council we aim to represent the academic needs of students, helping them to voice their opinions to teachers and to make an impact on their learning. The ways we have approached this include having discussions with teachers at the KS5 development group meeting about marking, exam technique and revision resources. As well as this, we have interviewed potential candidates for positions within the Sixth Form staff and looked to update the alternative student prospects. In the future we plan to work with teachers to create more resources for students’ independent learning.
We hope you enjoy your Sixth Form experience and wish you lots of luck in the future!
Hattie Altaparmakova and Jed Cornwall Jones
To access our Student Prospectus please click on the link below.