Mid-year Applications
All enquiries regarding mid-year applications should be directed to admissions@swchs.net
Years 7-11:
For applications into existing year groups, a place will be offered when the number of pupils in the relevant year group is below the admission number for that year group. If the relevant year group is full, an expressions of interest list is held by the school for that year group and applications will be ranked according to our admissions policy.
You have the right to make a formal application to the school using a Mid Years Secondary application form which can be downloaded here: https://www.essex.gov.uk/move-to-a-different-school-mid-year-admission
Once downloaded and completed you need to send this directly to the school (or schools) to which you would like to apply. As it is mid years you may apply to multiple schools at once.
The reason for this formal application is that if the response is a refusal this would then lead you onto the path of appeal. Without this formal application you cannot appeal the decision.
If it is a refusal, we will place your child on the expression of interest list for that particular year group, should a place become available, the list is ranked according to our admissions policy and a place is offered to the highest person on the list according to the criteria.
Click here to access the Essex County Council online application.
As required by the law, parents have the right of appeal against any refusal to admit.
Please see www.essex.gov.uk/admissions for more information on how to appeal. Appeals should be lodged within twenty school days of the date on the letter confirming refusal. Appeals will be heard by an independent appeal panel convened by the LA.
Sixth Form:
At Sixth Form, admission after the 1st September would only be accepted in exceptional
circumstances and subject to the availability of places on the courses applied for.