Key Stage 4
GCSE courses, Edexcel (9-1)
GCSE courses, Edexcel (9-1)
These are new linear courses with no coursework so all GCSE exams will be taken at the end of year 11.
Year 10 & 11
There are two main routes of study leading to GCSE qualifications. Once students have embarked on these routes, it is not possible at a later stage to switch although there may be some movement between groups on the same route as students continue to develop. Route decisions will be based on year 9 data and professional judgement with the intention of allowing students to achieve the highest possible grades. It is judged to be better for students to achieve two high grades rather than three lower ones. This will enhance the chances of the students gaining entry into the sixth form and securing a place on their chosen A level courses.
Combined Science (Double Science): students will complete the science course started in Year 9. Their progress will continue to be assessed and monitored to ensure they are in the most suitable teaching group. There will be no external exams in Year 10 and no coursework. This is a linear course and six exam papers (2 biology, 2 chemistry and 2 physics) will be taken at the end of Year 11 in the summer of 2018, which will lead to the award of two grades for the Combined Science qualification. Whilst the exams will be available in both foundation and higher tiers, students must complete all assessments in the same tier. Taking this course will not prevent students from studying the sciences at A level should they wish to do so, a minimum of A/B grades and 7/6 in GCSE maths will be required.
Triple Science (Biology, Chemistry and Physics): students will continue where they left off in Year 9 to study the three separate sciences in more detail. They assessed with a mixture of in class activities, classroom test and formal examinations; progress is monitored to ensure they are in the most appropriate group for their ability. As with Combined Science, there is no coursework and no external exams in Year 10. All assessments must be completed at the end of Year 11 in the summer of 2019 and six exam papers (2 biology, 2 chemistry and 2 physics - different from the Combined Science) will be taken, which will lead to the award of three GCSEs in Biology, Chemistry and Physics. The exams are available in both tiers although students must complete assessments in the same tier for each subject. A minimum of a grade B will be required for progression onto A-level sciences and a grade 7/6 in maths.
We also offer Entry Level Science to some groups at KS4 and this is taught alongside the Combined Science Foundation level course. Some students will also study for an Asdan course in scientific skills and the number of students taking this course will vary year on year based on the specific needs of the students.