Year 12 Welcome Quiz
Year 12 Welcome Quiz
On Wednesday the 16th of September, the Committee at SWCHS organised a quiz for new Year 12s to welcome them properly into the Sixth Form, helping them to get to know one another. Being former Year 12s, we understand the importance of the first few weeks of school and how hard it can be to settle into a completely new environment, especially for those who have never attended County High before.
The role of the Committee as a whole in school is to create a positive and inclusive environment. During this strange period, our work has aimed to ensure the smooth and effective integration of Year 12s into the Sixth Form, which was even more challenging in the virtual world. Over the months of June and July, the Committee worked hard to organise a virtual induction programme for the Year 12 students. This was to ensure they had all the necessary information about their subjects, extra curricular opportunities, and general life in the Sixth Form.
In the absence of a normal induction week, in which we would put on a variety of events, with it all online in the confines of the students’ homes, we were very aware of the lack of the social and personal interactive experience. In attempts to make up for this, we held a quiz on the field for the whole of Year 12. The quiz consisted of 5 rounds, with our personal favourite being ‘Where is Crittenden?’ (pictured below), our take on Where’s Wally. The quiz provided a brilliant opportunity for Year 12s to socialise, getting to know people outside of their classes as well as introducing them into our Sixth Form community. This, we believe, is essential in promoting the ethos of the Sixth Form.
We hope that this was an enjoyable hour for our new students as much as it was for us to be able to work with our peers in the Committee and Union once again after such a long break. Hopefully, despite the current circumstances, we will have many opportunities to organise events for our Sixth Form students this year, with the added contribution of our new Lower Sixth students members of the Committee.
Anna Williams, Malwina Kozlowska, Mathias Davies and Timothy Lane
Year 13 Students and Chairs of the Sixth Form Committee