Key Stage 4

The WJEC Eduqas specification encourages an integrated approach to the three distinct disciplines of performing, composing and appraising through four interrelated areas of study. The four areas of study are designed to develop knowledge and understanding of music through the study of a variety of genres and styles in a wider context. The Western Classical Tradition forms the basis of Musical Forms and Devices (area of study 1), and learners should take the opportunity to explore these forms and devices further in the other three areas of study. Music for Ensemble (area of study 2) allows learners to look more closely at texture and sonority. Film Music (area of study 3) and Popular Music (area of study 4) provide an opportunity to look at contrasting styles and genres of music.

Exam Board: WJEC Eduqas


Component 1 – Performing

Total duration of performances: 4-6 minutes

Non-exam assessment: internally assessed, externally moderated

30% of qualification - 72 marks

Learners are encouraged to develop their knowledge and understanding of music through performing. All learners are required to perform a minimum of two pieces of which at least one must be as part of an ensemble performance lasting at least one minute. The other piece(s) may be performed either solo and/or as part of an ensemble. One piece must be linked to one of the four areas of study. The use of music technology and improvisation is accepted within both solo and ensemble performances.

Component 2 – Composing

Total duration of compositions: 3-6 minutes

Non-exam assessment: internally assessed, externally moderated

30% of qualification - 72 marks

Learners are encouraged to develop their knowledge and understanding of music through composing. All learners are required to create and develop musical ideas in relation to given and chosen briefs.

Learners must submit two compositions with a total playing time of between 3-6 minutes.

1. A composition which responds to a brief set by WJEC. The brief will be released during the first week of September in the academic year in which the assessment is to be taken. Learners select one from a choice of four briefs, each related to a different area of study:

Area of study 1: Musical Forms and Devices

Area of study 2: Music for Ensemble

Area of study 3: Film Music

Area of study 4: Popular Music.

2. A free composition. Learners will compose a piece of music in a style of their own choice. Learners will set their own brief for this composition. The brief itself is not assessed; however, learners are assessed on their musical response to the brief.

Composition briefs, both those set by WJEC and those set by the learner, will always provide details of the audience or occasion plus additional musical details.

Component 3 – Appraising

Written examination: 1 hour 15 minutes

40% of qualification - 96 marks

This examination will assess knowledge and understanding of music through the four areas of study.

Learners will develop knowledge and understanding of musical elements, musical contexts and musical language.

Musical Elements

  • melody
  • harmony
  • tonality
  • form and structure
  • dynamics
  • sonority
  • texture
  • tempo
  • rhythm
  • metre

Musical Contexts

· the purpose and intention of composers, performers and those who commission music

· the effect of the occasion, audience and choice of venue on the way music is composed and performed

· how music is created, developed and performed in different social, historical and cultural contexts

Musical Language

  • reading and writing treble and bass clef staff notation in simple time
  • reading treble and bass clef staff notation in compound time
  • roman numerals for chords I, ii, iii, IV, V and vi in a major key
  • contemporary chord symbols for chords within a major key e.g. C, Dm, Em, F
  • G(7) and Am
  • reading and writing key signatures to four sharps and flats
  • musical vocabulary related to areas of study