Key Stage 3

In Year 7, students are taught in form groups, moving to mixed ability classes in Years 8 and 9.

Year 7

Autumn Term A – Characterisation Unit

In this topic, students will focus on basic characterisation skills to prepare them for the rest of the year.

Autumn Term B – Number 29 Unit

This is a creative unit which allows students to explore drama through improvisation with a focus on developing characterisation skills and working effectively in different sized groups.

Spring Term  – Evacuees Unit

A practical exploration into history where students will explore WW2 and the life of an evacuee. This is an opportunity for them to learn new and exciting drama techniques.

Summer Term – Bullying

Students will end Year 7 by exploring the theme of bullying. During this unit, students will use the drama skills acquired during the year to create original work, whilst exploring the feelings and motives of a bully, victim and bystander.

Year 8

Autumn Term and Spring Term – Script and Performance Unit

Students will practically explore published scripts and will take responsibility for taking a scene from page to stage. They will rehearse in small groups and be responsible for the acting, the staging, the costumes, the lighting and the sound.

Students will also experience watching a professional theatre production, as each class will watch and evaluate 'Peter Pan Goes Wrong'.

Summer Term – Technical Theatre 

Introduction and exploration of technical elements that enhance theatre productions.

Year 9

Students taking Drama as a creative option in our Year 9 Hybrid year follow a skills-based foundation year where students develop the skills of Drama performance and analysis.  Students complete a devised unit leading to a public performance in Saffron Hall. Students will practically explore a published script and will take responsibility for taking a scene from page to stage. They will rehearse in small groups and be responsible for the acting, the staging, the costumes, the lighting and the sound.  Students will also experience watching and evaluating a professional theatre production.

Students who have not opted to have Drama as a creative option in Year 9, can still join Lower-School drama club and take part in school productions.  They can also return to taught drama at Key Stage 5, without completing the GCSE programme.