

The type of course you choose will be dependent upon your individual strengths. The combinations should link to your interests and aptitudes and your intention in terms of progression to higher education or employment. The route of study will be determined by your predicted grades and learning preferences, particularly with regard to coursework and examination performance.

All courses are subject to government funding.

Level 3 qualifications

These qualifications are similar in level to A-Levels. They include A-Levels, BTECs, Cambridge Technicals and Diplomas.


This year all A-Levels will be following the linear format. This means students taking these courses will sit an internal exam at the end of Year 12, and their final A-Level exams at the end of Year 13 determine the entire overall result.  Assessment for A-Levels can be examination and/or coursework based. Information and advice at Guidance Discussions will support students making decisions about subjects. A wide range of A-Levels are offered at SWCHS Sixth Form, as outlined on the subject pages of this Prospectus.

Level 3 BTEC, Cambridge Technicals and Diplomas

BTECs, Cambridge Technicals and Diplomas are Level 3 courses, which are around 50% coursework. They are recognised by universities to be of a similar standard to A-Levels and are offered in a variety of subjects.

If students know exactly what they want to do in their future career, or are planning to go onto further or higher education, this may be an appropriate qualification. Work is assessed during the course, which means students can keep improving and don't need to rely solely on exam results. This qualification qualifies for points on the 'UCAS Tariff' for entry into higher education, in the same way as A-Levels.

Level 2 Qualifications

These qualifications are similar in level to GCSEs and can be taken if a student needs to improve GCSE results while re-sitting Maths and/or English. We offer the OCR Business Cambridge Technicals and Animal Care BTEC.

Please see our prospectus for a full list of available courses.