Key Stage 4

All students will follow the new style GCSE. This will test their ability in Reading, Listening, Speaking and Writing, with terminal examination in all skill areas, with 25% of marks awarded in each skill area. The new exam aims to encourage more spontaneity in speaking and there will be a greater focus on grammatical competency and translation, as well as a developing a deeper cultural knowledge.

The course will cover three key themes:

  • Identity and Culture (Free-time, technology, self and family customs and festivals).
  • Local, national, international and global matters of interest (Home town, social and global issues, travel and tourism)
  • Current and future study and employment ( my studies, life at school, education post 16 and  jobs, careers choices and ambitions)

To improve pupils’ linguistic experience the Languages team are also offering students in Year 10 the opportunity to take part in German, French and Spanish trips. We will also use the AQA course book produced by Oxford University Press supported by  an online platform called Kerboodle,  which will enable students to practise their reading and listening skills at home. We also recommend the  Pearson  AQA GCSE Revision Workbook.



We have also subscribed to two online platforms, which we regularly use with our students- Education Perfect, and Quizlet, and students are issued with a username and password.